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Our Books

Limbic Lifting – CrossFitfor the Mind:Build Intentional Desire and Amplify Life byConnecting with Your Own Unique Physiology is sure to make a huge impact on the lives of the people. Here are what some had to say about the book.

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Limbic Lifting

Crossfit for The Mind

This book will be a tool to familiarize the people with Debra S. Wickman’s program; get invitations to discuss it on media venues and podcasts.  This is a new way to treat female sexual desire and the author wants to make an impact.

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Our Videos

Limbic Lifting

Crossfit for The Mind

Here is the official trailer of Debra S. Wickman’s new book that will be helpful to women all over the world. Watch the video now to find out more about the central idea of the book.

What our Clients Say


Limbic Lifting – CrossFitfor the Mind:Build Intentional Desire and Amplify Life byConnecting with Your Own Unique Physiology is sure to make a huge impact on the lives of the people. Here are what some had to say about the book.

This book changed my life! So much material in such an enjoyable read. I am now a huge Debra Wickman fan and this book.

Angela DawkinsAssistant Director

This book is exactly what I would assume from someone with her knowledge and passion.

Bailey HalesArtist

What a great book! Any problem that somebody could have "down there" is explained clearly. What to do, how to stay hale and hearty.

Ellen JonesOffice Clerk

Debra S. Wickman expects that you take care of your own health. No more repeating the words, "but my Dr. said..."

Kendra DunstStore Manager

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